Cristian Yufra

Sentires y Ecos Argentinos

for flute, soprano saxophone, piano, and bombo legüero

Amanecer (Sunrise) : The piece is a theme and variations form, each with a descriptive character, and a strong influence of Argentine folklore. It reflects on the perception of a sunrise, as seen from different emotional point of view, so it is always the same song that continually changes. Ayelán: Dedicated to my first niece and goddaughter, Ayelán, the piece is a samba, a genre that belongs to the Argentine folklore, musically sweet-natured and innocent like a child. Desesperación (Despair): I wanted to capture the feeling of despair, so musically, despite having the folk imprint of Argentina, I composed the piece contrapuntally with the hexatonal scale, making the work cyclical and maddening. Huellas en el camino (Footprints on the Journey): “Footprint” is a genre of Argentine folklore, and refers to the footprints we leave on others to move our lives. It is not a piece of a descriptive nature, but rather was made ​​with that sense of nostalgia. La fresca (The Cool): Formally this piece is a chacarera (one of the most representative genres of Argentine folklore). The difference in this piece is that it is in the Phrygian mode, which has typically not been experimented with in chacarera due to its harmonic characteristics. - Cristian Yufra


Cristian Yufra

Product Details

Title:Sentires y Ecos Argentinos

Instrumentation:Sax, Fl, Pno, B. Legüero

Series:Music of Our Time

Year Composed: 2011

Duration: 20'

Score: 1

Parts: 4

Purchase Options

Printed Music Only

Movements and Recordings

Artist: Kenneth Radnofsky



Huellas en el Camino

La Fresca



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